《管理案例研究与评论》,为全国工商管理专业学位研究生教育指导委员会会刊、中国管理现代化研究会管理案例研究专业委员会会刊,由教育部主管,大连理工大学主办。国际标准刊号:ISSN 1674-1692,国内统一刊号:CN 21-9202/G,邮发代号8-224。
1-2 做案例研究的引领者
3-16 组织韧性的概念结构与形成机制 ———基于扎根理论的研究
刘颖琦,陈睿君,周 菲
17-34 PPP项目中合作目标互依对团队绩效的影响机制 ———探索性案例研究
石世英,傅 晓,齐寒月,杨增科,王小清
35-49 商业模式轨道变迁的过程模型 ———基于汽车制造商向出行服务商的转型研究
纪雪洪,徐刘醒香,许 研
50-61 企业社会创业的跨部门联盟匹配与价值创造 ———基于模糊集定性比较分析方法
葛笑春,余 静,刘 虎,翟云杰,丁 茜
62-80 社区连锁生鲜便利店的价值转化路径及机理 ———基于正大优鲜的案例研究
崔 明,李明明
81-91 同一控制下企业合并的并购商誉之惑 ———以美年大健康并购慈铭体检为例
92-106 信息共享视角下的制造业企业服务化 ———基于海尔集团的案例研究
蒋 芳,罗均梅,张少杰
107-114 OBE案例教学过程性评价研究
From the Editor-in-Chief
1-2 Be A Pioneer in Case Studies
SU Jing-qin
Strategy and Organization
3-16 The Structure and Formation Mechanism of Organizational Resilience: A Study Based on Grounded Theory
LIU Ying-qi,CHEN Rui-jun,ZHOU Fei
7-34 The Influence Mechanism of Cooperative Goal Interdependence on the Team Performance in PPP Projects: An Exploratory Case Study
SHI Shi-ying,FU Xiao,QI Han-yue,YANG Zeng-ke,WANG Xiao-qing
35-49 A Process Model of Business Model Transition: Research Based on the Transformation of Automobile Manufacturers to Mobility Service Providers
JI Xue-hong,XU Liu-xing-xiang,XU Yan
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
50-61 The Cross-sector Alliance Matching and the Value Creation of Corporate
Social Entrepreneurship: A Research Based on Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis
GE Xiao-chun,YU Jing,LIU Hu,ZHAI Yun-jie,DING Xi
Marketing and Service
62-80 The Value Transformation Path and Mechanism of Community Fresh Convenience Store: A Case Study Based on Fresh Mart
CUI Ming,LI Ming-ming
Finance and Accounting
81-91 The Confusion of Goodwill in Business Merger and Acquisition under the Common
Control: Take the Merger of Meinian & Ciming as an Example
MIAO Yan-juan
Information System
92-106 Servitization of Manufacturing Enterprises in the Perspective of Information Sharing: A Case Study Based on Haier Group
JIANG Fang,LUO Jun-mei,ZHANG Shao-jie
Case Teaching Research
107-114 Research on the Process Evaluation of the OBE Case-teaching
BI Xue-ping