作者:曹磊、罗太、霍艳虹等丛书名: ISSN:1672-7460CN:21-1507/TU 页数:0开本: 装帧:平装出版时间:2024-10-20 中图分类:建筑设计










01 刊首语




02 京杭大运河天津段水利工程遗产数字化复原与展示路径探索 / 张博伦 曹磊* 陈雨佳 孙娜

Exploration of the Digital Restoration and Display Path for the Hydraulic Engineering Heritage of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in Tianjin Section / ZHANG Bolun, CAO Lei*, CHEN Yujia, SUN Na

08 天津市工业遗产态势分布及归因探析 / 刘宇* 罗太

Analysis on the Trend Distribution and Attribution of Industrial Heritage in Tianjin / LIU Yu*, LUO Tai

14 普洱景迈山古茶林文化景观生态敏感性分析及保护策略研究 / 李发明 杨凯婷 霍艳虹*

Research on the Ecological Sensitivity Analysis and Protection Strategies of the Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape of Jingmai Mountain in Pu’er / LI Faming,YANG Kaiting, HUO Yanhong*

18 文化基因视域下河间府署及其联动区域活化策略研究 / 钟蕾 张瑞显 张丽芳

Research on the Activation Strategy of the Hejian Prefecture Administration and Its Linkage Region from the Perspective of Cultural Gene / ZHONG Lei, ZHANG Ruixian, ZHANG Lifang

21 基于数字技术的清裕陵陵宫区外部空间研究 / 曹鹏 李东祖* 谢怡明

Research on the Exterior Space of the Mausoleum Area of Yuling in Qing Dynasty Based on

the Digital Technology / CAO Peng, LI Dongzu*, XIE Yiming

26 基于州府园林视角的古代惠州西湖公共性分析 / 杨扬* 刘宇嘉 谢纯

Analysis on the Publicity of the Ancient West Lake in Huizhou Based on the Perspective of the Municipal Landscape / YANG Yang*, LIU Yujia, XIE Chun

30 文化景观遗产保护中的数字技术应用研究综述 / 赵晶* 卢佩琪

Review on the Application of Digital Technology in the Protection of Cultural Landscape Heritage / ZHAO Jing*, LU Peiqi

34 大连市一二九街历史文化风貌区风貌特征研究 / 牛炳玲 沈欣荣*

Research on the Landscape Characteristics of the Historic and Cultural District of 129 Street in Dalian / NIU Bingling,SHEN Xinrong*



41 祥符桥传统风貌街区

The Historic District of Xiangfu Bridge

52 杭州小河公园

The Hangzhou Xiaohe Park

60 亚运生态公园

Asian Games Eco-park


68 2024海峡两岸景观专业本科毕业设计竞赛

2024 Cross-Strait Landscape Undergraduate Graduation Design Competition


Plants & Ecology


Analysis on the Conservation and Construction of Plant Landscape Under the Background of Heritage Conservation