《外语教育研究》由大连理工大学主管,大连理工大学出版社主办,以电子期刊形式季度发行。国际标准刊号:ISSN 2095-722X,国内统一刊号:CN 21—9203/G4。本刊旨在采用图文声像多种形式,反映大学外语教育教学领域理论和实践成果,探讨外语教育热点问题,促进我国大学外语教育教学水平提升。
教育研究 Education Studies
1 常 乐 理工类高校英语专业专门用途英语人才培养构想——以沈阳理工大学为例
Chang Le An ESP Proposal for English BA Programs in Universities of Science and Technology: A Case Study of Shenyang Ligong University
语言研究 Language
8 单新荣,贾绍东 转喻视域下的商务英语缩略语分析与翻译研究
Shan Xinrong Jia Shaodong A Study on Translation of Business English Abbreviations from the Perspective of Metonymy
翻译研究 Translation Studies
15 赵长江,梁 倩 探索典籍外译发展路径——评《藏族格言诗英译研究与实践》
Zhao Changjiang Liang Qian Exploration on the Methods of Classics Translation——Comments on Research and Practice on the Tibetan Gnomic Verses and Their English Translations
21 张 汨,章凌峰 许渊冲汉诗法译的文化自觉观研究
Zhang Gu Zhang Lingfeng Research on Cultural Awareness in the French Translation of Classical Chinese Poems by Xu Yuanchong
27 胡 波 作为国家翻译实践的法律翻译
Hu Bo Legal Translation as a Type of National Translation Program
34 高 博 汉语古诗英译策略体系下《关雎》多译本四维描写研究
Gao Bo A Descriptive Study of Different Translations of Guan Ju from the Prespective of System of Strategies in the English Translations of Ancient Chinese Poetry
文学研究 Literature Studies
42 黎清群 生命、自由、自然:“麦田里的守望者”意象中的道家教育思想
Li Qingqun Life, Freedom, Naturalness: The Education Thought of Taoism in the Image of “the Catcher in the Rye”
48 徐明莺,刁 颖 默多克《独角兽》中的流动性
Xu Mingying Diao Ying Mobility in Murdoch’s The Unicorn
55 杨 林,曹子龙 马克思主义美学的不同走向:卢卡奇与布莱希特之争再思
Yang Lin Cao Zilong Towards Different Paths of Marxist Aesthetics: a Reflection on the Debate between Lukács and Brecht
62 杨绍梁 西方叙事与情感的关系研究要论
Yang Shaoliang Comments on Western Research into the Relations Between Narrative and Emotions
70 王 宁,陈奕如 伽达默尔视域融合观念下拜厄特历史元小说作为文学作品的再创造
Wang Ning Chen Yiru An Analysis of Byatt’s Historiographic Metafiction as a Literary Recreation Under Gadamer’s Fusion of Horizons
77 曹晓玲,李建利 埃莱娜·西苏女性书写理论中的身体伦理
Cao Xiaoling Li Jianli The Body Ethics in Helene Cixous’ Feminine Writing Theory